
Politics of NMO (Archive)

Did You Know

  • Autoimmune diseases now affect approximately 8% of the U.S. population (nearly 30 million patients), and 10% of the global population (nearly 600 million patients).
  • Autoimmune diseases have been projected by the World Health Organization to become a leading cause of illness and death worldwide by 2030. Already, some autoimmune diseases have incidence rates equivalent to or surpassing those of heart disease or cancer.
  • Around 75% of autoimmune diseases target women, and these illnesses are among the top 10 leading causes of death in women less than 65 years of age.
  • Tragically, autoimmune diseases exploit the very immune system that enables a mother to carry a child, striking at the prime of life when women often make their greatest contributions to family, career, and society.
  • Not only do patients confront the ongoing trauma of unpredictable symptoms, but families and caregivers also bear difficult burdens of autoimmune disease, as do employers and communities.

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Neuromyelitis Optica Consortium Act


Proposed Legislation: Bill H.R. 326

To amend the Public Health Service Act to create a National Neuromyelitis Optica Consortium to provide grants and coordinate research with respect to the causes of, and risk factors associated with, neuromyelitis optica (NMO), and for other purposes.

  • Provide NMO research grants
  • Assemble a panel of experts to provide ongoing guidance and recommendations for NMO research respective to the consortia

Full Details of H.R. 326


Congress will receive annual reports with respect to the NMO Consortium, including a summary of research funded by the consortium and a list of consortia receiving grants. Reports will be made available to the public.


Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA-13)Address: 2267 Rayburn House Office Building

Phone: (202) 225-2661


  • Jan. 25, 2017: H.R. 326 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.
  • Jan. 5, 2017: Congresswoman Lee introduces bill H.R. 326 in the House


Please support this Bill by signing the petition and urge your State’s Representatives to do the same.  100,000 signatures are needed to be heard by Congress!

Sign the Petition led by NMO Advocate Cindy Fincham

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NMO Awareness Month

Join with your fellow NMO advocates by requesting that your local state or region declare the month of March as NMO Awareness Month every year in perpetuity. Use the map below to determine if your state currently recognizes March as NMO Awareness Month. Download the template and send it to your local government.

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Fast Facts about NMOSD