NMO Advocate asks you to join “TEN on TEN” for NMO research.
Well, it may not be the ice bucket challenge, but if the NMO community takes part in a big way, we can raise real money for NMO research.
Let’s storm social media on October 10 for a one-day fundraiser for all of us!
On October 10, the 10th day of the 10th month, let’s ask our entire networks for $10 for The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation.
TEN on TEN is a new fundraiser designed to include as much of the NMO community as possible with an easy ask – that on this one day, we can all help advance research to find a cure, by asking our family, friends, colleagues and social media contacts for $10.
As you all know, when people donate to The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation, 100% of their contribution goes to research.
There are a few ways to proceed:
On October 10, put out a request on all of your social media platforms, including email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and etc., and ask for $10 for NMO, with a link to the foundation: guthyjacksonfoundation.org/ten-on-ten
Use your own words to make the request. You might say something like, “Today, on the 10th day of the 10th month, please give $10 for NMO research (guthyjacksonfoundation.org/ten-on-ten). As you know, I (my daughter, my wife) was diagnosed with Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) X years ago. You’ve seen me (her, him) cope with vision loss/paralysis/hospitalizations. You probably know that NMO is a rare disease, and as such, receives little research funding. Please help me find a cure!”
That’s all you need to do! Or, if you like, you can create your own TEN on TEN fundraiser on The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation website: guthyjacksonfoundation.org/donate/fundraisers
A third way to participate would be to create a Facebook TEN on TEN fundraiser. Visit The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation’s Facebook page to learn more.
Have fun with it, and let’s shower The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation with tens of tens of $10 on the 10th day of the 10th month!
Any questions or concerns? Please contact me at diningfornmo@gmail.com.
Thank you!