
Honor/Memorial Donation

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To the Memory of Juliana Turse-James

This campaign is to honor the Memory of Juliana Turse-James and her advocacy for finding a cure for NMO.

$1,868.00 donated
6 Donors

Juliana in the Land of Forgotten Toys

There is a subculture in our society similar to the Land of forgotten toys presented in Toy Story. In the movie, bald Barbies, fire trucks without wheels, and one-armed, monocular robots are abandoned in favor of newer and fully functional replacements.

Unfortunately, society has its own equivalent of discarded toys. I see these castoffs in the waiting rooms of neurologists. I would never have noticed had I not been one of them.

Suffering from disease or injury is compounded when society abandons us in favor of the healthy. Sickness and injury can be dealt with. The way people see and treat those with a disability cannot. Because we are different, we are avoided, pitied, ignored, and discarded. Put away in society’s figurative toy box. Although very much alive, we are denied a meaningful role in life.

Our culture puts much time, energy, and resources into sustaining life. However, restoring quality of life is left to the very person that is least capable, the disabled. We must fend for ourselves. Out of sight, out of mind.

Hope for recovery sustains me, but I need to be involved in society to my greatest capacity and potential.

Until there is a cure for every disease and prevention of all accidents and illnesses, we have a social and moral obligation not to diminish the humanity of our fellow beings.

~ Juliana – 2006

Over the years, many of you have been with me at MS Walks, raising money and consciousness for the disease. Several of you have supported me from afar, donating funds to the MS Society. Recently my diagnosis has been narrowed to the rare but more severe variant Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) or Devic’s Disease.

~ Juliana – 2013

Your Donation

Note: The creator of this fundraiser will receive a notification of your donation.

Recent Donors

  1. Arlene Peters

  2. Nancy Harvey

  3. Aliza Becker

  4. Bobby Mercader

  5. Sam James

  6. Juliana Turse-James

    Juliana Turse-James


Donate Via Check
If you wish to donate via check, then please fill out this form, then mail both to:
The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation, Inc.
Post Office Box 15185
Beverly Hills, California 90210
The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation, Inc.
The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation (GJCF) has created the public entity named The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation, Inc. (GJRFI), a nonprofit public benefit corporation. While GJCF remains a private charitable foundation, the public GJRFI expands avenues for funding participation by allowing more corporations and organizations to donate to NMO research.
All financial donations are directed to The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation, Inc
This includes donations from public, private and government organizations, as well as donations from fundraising events, families, friends and individuals like you. While all donations are now directed to GJRFI, our focus remains the same: funding research to find a cure for NMO. As always, 100 percent of all donations are appropriated directly to NMO research.
of donations go directly to NMO scientific and clinical research
$80 million
invested to support scientific and clinical research since 2008
breakthrough publications dedicated to finding solutions to NMO

The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation, Inc. does not allocate any donated monies to administrative support of the Foundation. Your gift directly supports the innovative scientific research of scientists who are working to find solutions for Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Spectrum Disease. Once your contribution has been processed you will receive a thank you letter in the mail that you can use as a tax receipt. The Guthy-Jackson Research Foundation, Inc. for NMO is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization Tax ID # 47-2186708. Please consult your tax advisor if you are placing a donation from a country outside of the United States. PayPal fee is paid back to the research budget from the operations budget.
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